
Study in Turkey

Study in Turkey

  • 25.06.2021
  • 1214

Are you looking for university to study abroad? Yet which is not expensive like other western countries? Turkey is the best choice when it comes to a safe affordable study abroad destination. Throughout the vast population a very active and friendly social life can be seen in Turkey and is cheaper to study when compared to places in Europe and America. Culture, beauty, history, mountains, seas and more are all available in one single place for you beside a geographically and culturally significant location. The number of Turkish universities is increasing to more than 200 universities, including 129 government, and 72 private universities.

Turkey has a lot to offer for international students and so I have gathered a few reasons why you should consider Turkey as your study destination, let's explore them together.

High Education Standards

For well over a decade, the Turkish government has aggressively pushed for greater integration between education and the needs of the world's industries. As Turkish universities are valid throughout the world education standards are high. Diplomas from foreign students who study in Turkey are valid and acknowledged throughout many counties in Europe, America and the rest of the world. Studying in Turkey gives you internationally recognized certificates: The degrees and certificates granted by Turkish universities are recognized all over the world.


This is certainly an amazing opportunity for students. The Turkish Bursary scholarship system is a governmental system offering up to 100% scholarships in various majors for students (including international students) looking to study in Turkey. With the help of such scholarships, you will be able to study at some of the best universities available. Due to the high level of education factors gained whilst studying will prove to be extremely useful as you move on throughout your career. According to data from UNESCO, well over 3.6 million students were enrolled in degree programs abroad at the turn of the decade.

Diversity of Cultural Backgrounds in Turkey

Turkey is a multicultural and multi-ethnic country, which makes it an ideal destination for international students seeking an enriching experience abroad. Turkish people are friendly and welcoming towards foreigners, meaning that you will feel at home very quickly in this amazing country. The fact that many students from all over the world choose to study at Turkish universities also means that you can easily meet new friends from all corners of the globe during your time abroad. Due to the specificity of the years of university studies and their importance in the formation of student awareness, the openness of the hosting society of the university student and its cultural richness plays an important role in the expansion of his intellectual abilities. Turkey hosts more than 30,000 international students from diverse cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Safe Environment

Turkey displays exceptionally developed features both geographically and architecturally in relation to its region. In general, it reflects a safe image of the country and a popular choice to study because of this. Turkey is a safe destination to your study.

Cost of Living

Turkey holds some of the most modernized cities in the world. As a result, the country offers a high quality of living that is at par with other advanced cities around the world. Turkish cities offer all the convenience you expect and require with first world economies at a surprisingly low cost. An average international student in Turkey will spend about 200-300 USD a month on accommodation, food, clothing, entertainment, transportation and telephone costs.

Student Accommodation

Most Turkish universities have the possibility of providing housing of all kinds, there are student dwellings owned by each university separately, as well as the role of students, and there is another alternative to housing, especially in big cities, which is renting apartments and houses in conjunction with other students. Students are available for university housing whose fees vary according to room type and number of individuals as well as meals, and external housing is also available and the average rental of the apartment.


Cities in Turkey boast highly developed public transport systems consisting of underground trains, trams, bus services, shared taxis and ferries. Due to this wide variety of transport accessing one place to another is very easy. Students have the possibility to use discount cards for inner-city transportation with the already low-cost prices for travel.

As the academic world widens and educational choices become an international endeavor, we are here to guide students and support them with all possible efforts to make the students able to get their admission at a university. If you've ever thought of studying in Turkey, you can apply through the form in our website we will help you to find the best university that fits your criteria.